Monday, 12 February 2007


Welcome to my first blog thing. Hope you find some amusement in it.

Lets start with the first stupidest thing that came into my head. People that think they are vampires.

Taken from the site DrinkDeeplyandDream (Great name, means a lot to all the psychos out there), here are some common Misconceptions:

Misconception: Vampires are undead; are corpses; are immortal.
Truth: Real life vampires are normal, every-day people from ALL walks of life, race, background, religion who work normal jobs, have normal families and live normal lives. They are neither immortal, nor all-powerful.

Well Bugger me, I thought there were REAL vampires just walking around the world all undead and what now, sucking my blood. Thanks for clearing this up. Of course now when I'm walking down the street, I have to be aware that an Japanese Muslim working as a priest in a baptist church is gonna bite me. But, thank fuck they ain't all powerful. I can still kick them.

Misconception: Vampires can not enter sunlight; are harmed/killed by running water, crosses and garlic; live in coffins, etc.
Truth: Real life vampires may be light sensitive, but will not burst into flame anymore then anyone else; might be afraid of water but are not harmed by it; have no issue with holy symbols nor food items; and live in normal homes like everyone else.

Ah, so now are Japanese Muslim friend may be sensitive to light and afraid of water. They aren't afraid of crosses which is lucky considering his line of work. I also have to stop looking out for coffins now, because, I regularly do that anyway. I hope your noting all this down.

Misconception: Vampires are evil; vampires are affiliated with Satan, the Devil, or some other evil lord/master/demon
Truth: Vampires are normal people and come from every religion and faith on the planet and have as much potential to be a good person as they have to be a bad person the way everyone else does. Vampires is a medical condition and has NOTHING to do with one's religion and DOES NOT mean a person is automatically evil.

A medical condition. Tell you what, that is screwed up, but again, I can't just avoid goth kids now and pray for my life that I'm not their next meal. I've got to be on my guard and pray that a passer by isn't going to eat me. GREAT, and I thought the garlic would do. (Note to self: Look up how nice it is to eat other people, and whether considered evil deed)

Vampires are all kids dressing up in black; are "Goths"; are just "acting out" or want to be "different"
Truth: Real life Vampires are people of adult age and up (the condition tends to remain dormant until after puberty is complete). They are people of all clothing tastes and do not engage in vampirism to be "cool." Vampirism has nothing to do with what clothing you wear or what your tastes in music are. Vampirism is a medical condition and does not make a person "special" or "better".

Right, so at least this rules out anyone under 18, I can stick with them as they are certainly not vampires. Excellent. I would also hope that eating/sucking someone does not make you a better person. Still, I shall continue to avoid goth kids like the plague, as they are a bunch of messed up wastes of space.

Misconception: Vampires have mental illness and are delusional for thinking they're something fictional.
Truth: Real vampires aren't anything like their silly, fictional counterparts except that they require small amounts of blood as a supplement to their diet. Real vampires don't think they are, or act like they are, or try to be like their fictional counterparts. It is VERY much like a diabetic who requires insulin to remain healthy; a real vampiric person simply requires small amounts of blood to remain healthy. Sure, a real vampiric person can suffer from a mental illness just like anyone else on the planet, but to be a vampiric person does NOT automatically make them "crazy" or "delusional" any more then a person suffering from other medical conditions.

Sorry to sound like the annoying guy here, picking holes in something, but since when was sucking someones blood/drinking blood, not crazy or delusional. In fact, you have already said it was a medical condition. I wonder if it contagious?

I'm sorry but I still fail to see how having a low/high amount of insulin is anything like having a craving for blood.

Misconception: Vampires are/think they are "supernatural"; vampires are/think they are not human; vampires are/think they are "better" then normal people
Truth: Real life Vampires ARE HUMAN. They are NOT supernatural. Vampirism is a medical condition. It does not make a person special, better, or "more" then anyone else. It's just a difference like any other health problem people the world over suffer from. (Be it diagnosed or undiagnosed and understood or not understood. The list of medical conditions for which doctors and scientists actually understand is infinitesimal compared to those they do not, so it is not hard to accept that there are health concerns that are not yet explainable)

Right, here we go with the medical stuff. Doctors don't know a lot about some medical conditions, but I fail to see how vampires are just your average joes, who, one day, just decide 'Hey, I would like to drink some blood!' I've decided I'm going to make up a new medical condition called, 'Bibsonism' whereby if everyone in the world doesn't give me £1 a month, then I will get very ill and explode. Not alot is know about this condition, but, I have faith in the fact I'm not just crazy :).

Misconception: Vampires attack people to steal their blood; kill people; are violent and hostile.
Truth: Real life vampiric people use volunteer, willing donors; engage in safety via blood tests, sterile tools and safe and sane bloodletting practices. We're talking small amounts - a mouthful or two - and only under safe conditions. Real vampiric people will do everything possible to minimize pain and scaring for the donor and do not compel anyone to donate their blood to them. Failing accessibility of a donor, many vampiric people will use animal blood obtained from butchers (kosher if possible), generally in the form of beef blood.
Tell you what, thank fuck for that. I thought someone was gonna jump me in the street and then give me bad AIDS or something. Ah well, luckily the world isn't that screwed up, but I can still go an volunteer for someone to take a chunk out of my neck and drink a couple of mouthfuls of blood. No biggy. Don't worry though, totally safe, even though the biting of the neck may be hard to explain to the family. Conversation amy go like this:

"Hi, dad."
"Errrr... what happened to your neck?"
"Oh, I volunteered to let a vampire take a bite out of my neck and drink some of my blood"

Some people don't learn.

Misconception: Drinking blood is just an addition - not a need.
Truth: Yes, there are some people who are blood fetishists. They gain pleasure from the consumption of blood (mainly in sexual situations). There are also people who enjoy the "dark and morbid" overtones that modern fictional vampirism embraces. This site is not for, nor about, those kinda of people. Real vampiric people do not drink blood because they are blood junkies, they do so because they lack something in their physical/spiritual make up and can only fulfill it through the ingestion of blood. For these people, it's not about a high, or a rush, or for fun, it's about maintaining health. The consumption of blood is used to regulate the real vampire's body the same way that a diabetic uses insulin to regulate their blood sugar levels. When a vampiric person ceases to drink blood, they become ill and exhibit signs of immune system damage and become prone to catch viruses and bacterial infections. Real Vampires do not die from lack of blood, but they will wither and potentially die from secondary effects as a result of ceasing blood ingestion.

Right... I would be willing to believe that some crazy people need to drink blood if only if were for one thing. How in the world do you find out if you have this condition. It's not one of those things which can be tested for, which means you would actually have to go and think to yourself 'Hmm.... I'm ill, I need to go and drink some blood' making you instantly odd in the old brain area.

Right end article right about now. Expect more, if I ever get round to it.

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