Sunday, 25 February 2007

Iraq War - Support the troops, no matter what.

Yesterday, I got a forward email (The most annoying things ever, along with invitations to 'Facebook') but this one I wanted to read, mainly because it was sent to me by someone who never bothers with forwards. Upon clicking on it, my eyes were filled with American nationalism, showing pictures of all of their soldiers cuddling the little Iraqi children and supporting the local people.

Now it is stuff like this that really pisses me off. Not only am I English, and to be perfectly honest, don't give a toss how cuddly American soldiers are, but it's just so obviously wrong. I mean, sure, I support them in my own way, I don't want them all to die, but it doesn't mean I support what they are doing.

I was always against Saddam, but the situation with him was blown out of all proportion. Instead of American recipe of taking down a dictator:
Many Bombs as the base, sprinkled with Thousands of Soldiers and then, cover with lies;

I prefer my way:
Take one sniper, shoot Saddam.

Much better way of taking him down. We could even blame someone else for it. Like Iran, take two countries out with one stone. Someone should hire me as like a military advisor.

But what annoys me greatly, is that these super American troops have killed an estimated 60,000-150,000 civilians. Fan Fucking Tastic, loving the killing of the innocents there.

Now had they have killed 1 million Iraqi troops, then this would of been m
ore acceptable. However how many soldiers have they shot:
Less than 50,000

So that could mean that for every 5 Iraqi soldiers killed, 6 civilians died.

Sorry, but how the fuck is that even helping.

End of discussion, not even the slightest bit helping, the country is as fucked up as it ever was, and to top it all off, there were not weapons of mass destruction.

Thank you for reading, I hope that you don't support the war in Iraq.

P.S. Don't look at this picture if you have an light stomach:

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